


76. Permeability of dentin does not depend upon:
A. Smear layer.
B. Diffusion co-efficient of fluid.
C. Convection of fluid
D. Length of dentinal tubules.

76. Answer is: Still searching

77. Incipient or recurrent caries can be detected before they are visible on a radiograph by:
A. Visible light.
B. Ultrasonic light.
C. Fibre optic trans-illumination.
D. Digital Fibre optic trans-illumination.

77. Answer is: D- Digital Fibre optic trans-illumination.
(Ref. Damle 3rd Ed/ 51, Internet references) Repeat AIPG-06.

78. Resistance form is that shape of a cavity which:
A. Prevents displacement of restoration.
B. Permits restoration to withstand occlusal forces.
C. Prevents displacement of restoration & Permits restoration to withstand occlusal forces.
D. Allows for adequate instrumentation.

78. Answer is: B- Permits restoration to withstand occlusal forces.
(Ref. Sturdevant’s: 4th Ed/pg 290)

79. Pin used in pin retained restoration of an endodontically treated tooth is:
A. Cemented.
B. Friction locked.
C. Self threaded.
D. Any of the above.

79. Answer is: A- Cemented pin
(Ref: Sturdevant- 2nd Ed. / Page. 373.) Repeat AIPG-06.


80. Sterilization of Gutta percha points is done by:
A. Hot salt sterilizer
B. Autoclaving
C. Chemical solutions
D. Dry heat.

80. Answer is: C- Chemical solutions.
(Ref: Grossman-11th Ed/ Pg 140) Repeat AIPG-06.

81. Difference between physical characteristics of a file & reamer is:
A. The cross-section of reamers is square and files are triangular in cross section.
B. The numbers of flutes on the blade are more in files than in reamers.
C. The reamers have more flutes in the blade.
D. Files have two superficial grooves to produce flutes in a double helix design.

81. Answer is: B- The numbers of flutes on the blade are more in files than in reamers.
(Ref. Grossman 11th Ed/ 195) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.


82. A dentist performed restorative procedure in an 11 year old child and found that the primary molars were in various stages of exfoliation with slight anterior crowding present. His next appointment should be:
A. After three months for observation
B. After six months for recall checkup
C. After one year
D. When all the permanent teeth will erupt

82. Answer is: A- After three months for observation
(Ref: National boards series-Q. no.16, March 1980 paper) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-07.

83. Rectangular wire used in edgewise appliance is primarily meant for:
A. Correction of crown root position
B. Increasing the strength of wire
C. Correction of Arch-length Deficiency
D. Used for correction of anterior crowding

83. Answer is: A- Correction of crown root position
(Ref. Proffit- 2nd Ed/Pg 343) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

84. A buccal coil spring is used to regain space between 1st premolar & 1st molar. The most common post treatment complication is:
A. Pain
B. Gingival irritation
C. Tendency for the 1st molar to intrude
D. Tendency for the 1st premolar to rotate

84. Answer is: D- Tendency for the 1st premolar to rotate
(Ref: National boards series-Q. no.26, March 1980 paper) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

85. Arch space for the eruption of 3rd molars is created by:
A. Apposition of alveolar process
B. Resorption of posterior border of Ramus
C. Resorption of anterior border of Ramus.
D. Apposition of lower body of mandible.

85. Answer is: C- Resorption of anterior border of Ramus.
(Ref. Bhalajhi 3rd Ed/ Pg 33) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

86. ANB angle of 2? indicates:
A. A favorable relationship of maxillary alveolar base to Mandibular alveolar base
B. A favorable relationship of mandible to cranium.
C. Poor cranial growth
D. Upright incisors

86. Answer is: A- A favorable relationship of maxillary alveolar base to mandibular alveolar base.
(Ref: Bhalajhi- 3rd Ed/ 154, National boards series-Q. no.23, March 1980 paper) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

87. When a maxillary removable orthodontic appliance is first placed, the effect on patient’s speech will be:
A. Difficulty with lingual vowels for a few days.
B. Difficulty with lingual vowel for several weeks.
C. Difficulty with linguoalveolar consonants for a few days.
D. Difficulty with linguoalveolar consonants for several weeks.

87. Answer is: C- Difficulty with linguoalveolar consonants for a few days.
(Ref: National boards series-Q. no.24, March 1980 paper) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.


88. Pulse oxymetry is used for the determination of:
A. Rate of blood flow.
B. Oxygen saturation.
C. Blood volume.
D. Blood coefficient.

88. Answer is: B- Oxygen saturation
(Ref. Shobha Tandon 1st Ed/ Pg 338) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

89. A non-invasive method to measure the blood flow is:
A. Electric pulp testing.
B. Percussion.
C. Laser Doppler flowmetry.
D. Radiographic visualization.

89. Answer is: C- Laser Doppler flowmetry
(Ref. Shobha Tandon, 1st Ed/ 332) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

90. First to advocate distal shoe in 1929:
A. Wilson.
B. William.
C. Willet.
D. Roche.

90. Answer is: C- Willet.
(Ref: AIIMS-MAY-06, Q-86)

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