

6. Which one of the following statements is true when a normal person lies down?
A. The heart rate settles above that of normal.
B. There is an immediate increase in the venous return.
C. Cerebral blood flow increases.
D. Blood flow to apex of the lung decreases.

6. Answer is: B- There is an immediate increase in the venous return.
(Ref: Ganong 18th / 587)

7. A complex factor mucopolysaccharide present in lung and liver that also prevents coagulation of blood is:
A. Heparin.
B. Plasmin
C. Acetylsalicylic acid.
D. Histamine.

7. Answer is: A- Heparin.
(Ref: K.D. Tripathi 5th / 561)

8. About Nitric oxide all of the following is true except:
A. It causes penile erection.
B. It acts via c-AMP.
C. It decreases the vasomotor tone.
D. It is present in cigarette smoke.

8. Answer is: B-It acts via cyclic-AMP.
(Ref: Harper 24th Ed / 699. KDT 5th Ed / 489)


9. Poly Unsaturated Fatty Acids are present in all of the following except:
A. Mustard oil
B. Corn oil
C. Ground nut oil.
D. Fish oil.

9. Answer is: A-Mustard Oil.
(Ref: Park 16th / Page 407)

10. Iron is present in all of the following except:
A. Myoglobin.
B. Catalase.
C. Cytochrome.
D. Pyruvate kinase.

10. Answer is: D- Pyruvate kinase
(Ref: Park -11th Ed /Pg 449) Repeat AIPG-06

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