

11. Enzyme that regulates the conversion of ethanol to acetaldehyde is:
A. Alcohol dehydrogenase.
B. Acetaldehyde dehydrogenase.
C. Catalase.
D. Xanthene oxidase.

11. Answer is: A- Alcohol dehydrogenase.
(Ref. K.D.T. 5th / 351)

12. Which of the following enzyme at a pH of 8.6 has a function in bone mineralization and hydrolysis of phosphoric esters?
A. Acid phosphatase.
B. Alkaline phosphatase.
C. Collagenase.
D. Hyaluronidase.

12. Answer is: B- Alkaline phosphatase.
(Ref. Harper 24th Ed / Page 680)

13. Amino acid residue used in detection of strength of Collagen:
A. Proline
B. Hydroxyproline
C. Glycine
D. Hydroxyglycine.

13. Answer is: B- Hydroxyproline.
(Ref: Harper 24th / 669)


14. The angle between adhesive & adherent is zero degree. This indicates:
A. Rough surface between adhesive & adherent.
B. Presence of irregularities between the adherent surfaces.
C. Complete wetting of the surfaces.
D. Molecules of adhesive & adherent are at a tangent to each other.

14. Answer is: C- Complete wetting of surfaces
(Ref: Phillips-11th Ed/Pg 37, Phillips-10th Ed/Pg 2 Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

15. Which of the following is true regarding lathe cut silver alloy?
A. Has low creep.
B. Requires least amount of mercury.
C. Has tensile strength, both at 15 mins & 7 days comparable to high copper Unicompositional alloys.
D. Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hour.

15. Answer is: D- Achieves lowest compressive strength at 1 hour.
(Ref: Craig, Restorative dental materials-11th Ed/Pg 295-97) Repeat AIPG-06.

16. Which of the following is true regarding corrosion of Amalgam restoration?
A. It can extend upto a depth of 100-500 microns.
B. Decreases if tin content of alloy decreases.
C. Is promoted by gamma phase of alloy particles.
D. Is resisted most by cooper-tin phase in high copper amalgam.

16. Answer is: A- It can extend upto a depth of 100-500 microns.
(Ref: Craig-10th Ed/Pg 222; Sturdevant 4th/ Pg 154) Repeat AIPG-06.

17. Over-trituration of silver & mercury causes:
A. Reduction in contraction.
B. Increases strength in lathe cut but reduces strength in spherical alloy.
C. Gives a dull & crumbly amalgam mix.
D. Decreases the creep.

17. Answer is: B- Increases the strength of lathe-cut alloy but reduces the strength of spherical alloy amalgam.
(Ref: Craig 10th/226, 227) Repeat AIPG-06

18. Poisson’s ratio is:
A. Lateral strain by axial strain within elastic limit.
B. Equal to flexural strength.
C. Is more in amalgam.
D. Is low for gold alloy.

18. Answer is: A- Lateral strain by axial strain within elastic limit.
(Ref. Craig 10th Ed / 66, Skinner 11th Ed / 85)

19. Strain is:
A. New length upon original length after a load is applied.
B. Original length upon new length after a load is applied.
C. Force applied to change the length.
D. Difference between the two lengths upon original length.

19. Answer is: D- Difference between the two lengths upon original length.
(Ref: Skinner 11th / 73 & 74; Craig 10th / 66)


20. Most commonly used selective medium for Streptococcus mutans is:
A. MacConkey’s medium.
B. Mitis-Salivarius-Bacitracin agar.
C. Nutrient agar.
D. Tellurite medium

20. Answer is: B- Mitis salivarius bacitracin agar.
(Ref: Soben Peter 2nd / 375) Repeat AIPG-06

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