


37. Pemphigus vulgaris is characterised by:
A. Acanthosis.
B. Auspitz sign
C. Acantholysis.
D. Wickham’s striae.

37. Answer is: C- Acantholysis
(Ref: Shafer 5th /1128) Repeat AIPG-06.

38. One of the following is an oral precancerous lesion:
A. Oral hairy leukoplakia.
B. Hairy B-cell leukemia.
C. White sponge nevus.
D. Speckled leukoplakia.

38. Answer is: D- Speckled leukoplakia
(Ref: Burket- 10th / Pg 102) Repeat AIPG-06.

39. Important organism causing dentinal caries is:
A. Streptococcus mutans.
B. Streptococcus viridans.
C. Borrelia vincenti.
D. Actinomyces actinobacillus.

39. Answer is: A- Streptococcus mutans.
(Ref: Shafer 5th /575) Repeat AIPG-06.

40. In taurodontism affected teeth exhibit:
A. Elongated large pulp chambers, short roots
B. Elongated small pulp chambers, short roots.
C. Elongated large pulp chambers, large roots.
D. Elongated small pulp chambers, large roots.

40. Answer is: A- Elongated large pulp chambers and short roots.
(Ref: Shafer 5th / 60) Repeat AIPG-06.

41. Dens in dente is most commonly seen in:
A. Premolars
B. Lateral incisors.
C. Paramolars
D. Maxillary canines.

41. Answer is: B- Lateral incisors
(Ref: Shafer 5th / 57) Repeat AIPG-06.

42. A tumor of oral cavity represented as T3N2M0 is classified as:
A. Stage I
B. Stage II
C. Stage III
D. Stage IV

42. Answer is: D- Stage IV
(Ref: Harrison-16th /505)

43. Blanching of the oral mucosa is associated with:
A. Scleroderma.
B. Riboflavin deficiency
C. Oral sub mucous fibrosis.
D. Thiamine deficiency.

43. Answer is: C- Oral submucous fibrosis.

(Ref. Shafer’s 5th Ed/ 136, 4th Ed/ 109)

44. Rigidity of the oral mucosa is seen with:
A. Oral sub mucous fibrosis.
B. Cicatricial pemphigoid.
C. Healed lesions of aphthous stomatitis.
D. None of the above.

44. Answer is: A- Oral submucous fibrosis.
(Ref: Above answer & Pathology of head and neck tumors- Leon Barnes.)

45. Bilateral spongy folded mucosa is seen in:
A. Candidiasis.
B. White sponge nevus.
C. Aspirin burns.
D. Leukoplakia.

45. Answer is: B- White sponge nevus
(Ref: Shafer/ 4th- 825)

46. White patch on the buccal mucosa which disappears on stretching is:
A. Leukoplakia.
B. White sponge nevus.
C. Scleroderma.
D. Leucoedema.

46. Answer is: D- Leucoedema.
(Ref: Burket/ 10th- 86)

47. Most common site of occurrence of lateral periodontal cyst is:
A. Between maxillary premolars.
B. Mandibular third molar area.
C. Maxillary tuberosity area.
D. Between mandibular cuspid & premolar.

47. Answer is: D- Between the mandibular cuspid and first premolar.
(Ref: Shafer 5th / 372) Repeat AIPG-06.

48. In leukemic patient bleeding does not stop because of:
A. Decreased platelet count.
B. Increased WBC count.
C. Increased calcium levels.
D. Decrease in coagulation factor levels.

48. Answer is: A- Decreased platelet count.
(Ref: Carranza -9th Ed/ Pg 216) Repeat AIIMS-MAY-06.

49. Increased alkaline phosphatase levels are seen with:
A. Paget’s disease.
B. Hypophosphatasia.
C. Cherubism.
D. Hyperparathyroidism.

49. Answer is: A- Paget’s disease.
(Ref: Shafer/ 5th -1001)

50. In lead poisoning gingival discoloration presents as:
A. Blue-black line.
B. Yellow line.
C. Grayish black line.
D. Steel gray line.

50. Answer is: A- Blue black/ C- Grayish black line/ D- Steel gray
(Ref: Carranza 9th /223; Shafer 5th Ed/774; Burket 8th/ 302)

51. Dilaceration occurs due to:
A. Trauma to the tooth germ during root development.
B. Abnormal displacement of the tooth germ during root development.
C. Abnormal displacement of enamel epithelium during tooth development.
D. Abnormal displacement of ameloblasts during tooth development.

51. Answer is: A- Trauma to the tooth germ during root development.
(Ref: Shafer -5th Ed/ 56) Repeat AIPG-06

52. Which of the following is true about Xerostomia?
A. pH of saliva increases.
B. pH of saliva decreases.
C. pH of saliva increases in morning & decreases in evening.
D. pH of saliva remains unchanged.

52. Answer is: B- pH of saliva decreases. (Most probably)
(Ref: Shafer 4th/33-34, Burket-10th /222).

53. Diagnosis of Periapical Cemental Dysplasia is done by:
A. Vitality tests.
B. Radiographs.
C. Percussion.
D. Examination of the lamina dura.

53. Answer is: A- Vitality tests (Most probably)
(Ref: White and Pharoah -5th / 495)

54. Toluidene blue stain is used to distinguish between:
A. Pemphigus & lichen planus.
B. Leukoplakia & lichen planus.
C. Detection of malignant transformation.
D. Candidiasis & leukoplakia.

54. Answer is: C- Detection of malignant transformation.
(Ref: Burket- 10th / 106)

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