


AIIMS NOV 2012 DENTAL Questions & Answers

1. Gate control theory was given by
  1. Descartes
  2. Goldshieder
  3. Mezlack and wall

2. Bone modeling theory of craniofacial growth was given by
  1. John hunter
  2. Van der claw
  3. Melvin and Sicher

3. Cardiac dysrythmias occurs due to stimulation of
  1. 3 C N.
  2. 4 C N.
  3. 5C N.
  4. 7C N.

4. Excessive pressure at angle of mandible during establishment of patent airway damages the
  1. 5 cranial n.
  2. 7 cranial n.
  3. 8 cranial n
  4. 9 cranial n.

5. The nerve commonly seen to be simultaneously anaesthesized along with anesthesia of V n.
  1. Optic
  2. Occulomotor
  3. Abducent
  4. Facial

6. Excessive bleeding occurring during oral surgery under GA can be minimized by maintaining the patient at
  1. Head up
  2. head down
  3. Prone
  4. Supine

7. Patient with chronic ACTH insufficiency requires extraction under GA . patient requires premedications with ( 2 times in paper )
  1. Antibiotics
  2. atropine

8. A tooth bud splitting into 2 resulting in formation of 2 incompletely separated crown with single root and root canal is
  1. Germination
  2. Fusion
  3. Concrescence

9. Patient with panfacial injuries presenting at emergency which of the following sud be 1st managed
  1. Mandible #
  2. Orbital rim #
  3. Zygomatic arch #

10. India annual health expenditure of its total national GDP is
  1. 15%
  2. 10%
  3. 1.2%
  4. 2%

11. Disadvantage of tipping canine using a finger spring is
  1. The canine root tips in the direction opp. to the direction of crown
  2. Intrusion
  3. Retrusion

12. Patient with head injury and cervical # can not be ruled out , best method of intubation is
  1. Laryngoscopy and intubation
  2. Fiberoptic intubation
  3. Combitube
  4. LMA

13. BEST method of inubation in patient with orofacial injury undergoing RX for oral surgery under GA
  1. LMA
  2. Laryngeal mask airway
  3. Oro tracheal tube
  4. Naso endo tube

14. A child with 5yr 4mths with narrow maxilla , SNA normal , SNB reduced and distal step deci. molar arrangement , RX of choice ( 2 times in papper )
  1. Wait and watch at 6yr

15. TENSOR PALATI is supplied by
  1. VII N.
  2. Trigeminal
  3. Vagus
  4. Hypoglossal

16. Facial n . is located
  1. Superficial to SMAS and parotidomasseteric fascia
  2. Superficial to SMAS and deep to parotidomasseteric fascia
  3. Deep to SMAS and deep to parotidomasseteric fascia
  4. Deep to SMAS and buccal pad of fat

17. Moyers D type CLASS II malocclusion is
  1. Orthognathic Mx / orthognathic Mn
  2. retrognathic Mx / retrognathic Mn
  3. prognathic Mx / retrognathic Mn
  4. orthognathic Mx / retrognathic Mn

18. Most resistant to antiseptics
  1. Bacteria
  2. Viruses
  3. Spores
  4. Prions

19. Antibiotic associated colits is commonly caused by
  1. Clindamycin
  2. Vancomycin (DOC)
  3. Metronidazole
  4. Chloramphenicol

20. Drug not seen to cross BBB
  2. Penicillin
  3. Clindamycin
  4. Ceftazidime

21. Latent period in distraction osteogenesis is
  1. 0-2 days
  2. 4-7 days
  3. 21 days
  4. 4-6weeks

22. Class 3 development with mandibular deviation , developing cross bite , enlargement of condyle with inc. radioopacity pointing towards lateral pterygoid muscle , most likely

  1. Osteoma
  2. Osteoid osteoma
  3. Osteochondroma
  4. Condylar hyperplasia

23. The graft histologically and morphologically similar to
  1. 5th costochondral graft
  2. Sternoclavicular joint
  3. 3rd tarsal bone graft

24. Most common site of zygomatic arch # is
  1. Ant to ZT suture
  2. Post to ZT suture
  3. Zygomatictemporal suture
  4. No specific location

25. Serum alk . PO4 IS raised in al except
  1. Paget’s disease
  2. Fibrous dysplasia
  3. Osteomyelitis
  4. Hyperparathyroidism

26. Contrast agent used to study joint space , procedure is called as
  1. Arthroscopy
  2. Arthrography
  3. Orthopantomogram
  4. Arthroplasty

27. Most common method is used in detection of primary herpes
  1. Culture with giemsa stain
  2. Culture with giemsa stain
  3. Routine cytology
  4. Fluroscent stain for cytology

28. Most common type of hereditary malocclusion is
  1. Class I type 1
  2. Class II div 1
  3. Class II div 2
  4. Functional class III

29. CSF rhinorrhoea can be identified by all except
  1. High CSF protein
  2. High glucose
  3. Tramline pattern
  4. β 2 transferrin

30. Not used as abrasive in dentrifice ( doubt bout dis 1 )
  1. Calcium carbonate
  2. Sodium chloride
  3. Silicate
  4. Amylase

31. Oxygen supply of free graft is best confirmed by ( aipg 2012)
  1. Pulse oximetry
  2. Laser Flowmetry
  3. Prick test
  4. Fluorocin and fluorophotometer

32. Exogeneous sucrose metabolizing organisms are considered as etiologic agents for dental caries as
They are capable of producing extracellular dextan like glucan

33. Patient with prosthetic cardiac valve needs oral surgical procedure under GA. Antibiotic prophylaxis of choice is ( nov 2011 aiims )
  1. 2gm amoxicillin 1hr prior to GA
  2. 1gm amoxicillin 2hr prior to GA
  3. 500 mg before 1hr to GA
  4. 600 MG Clindamycin 15 min before surgery

34. ETCHING of enamel with 37% orthophosphoric acid for 30 sec creates microporous layer of depth
  1. 5- 10µ m
  2. 10- 20µ m
  3. 21- 30µ m
  4. 50- 60µ m

35. Etching of enamel surface with H2(PO4)3 creates a microporous etched surface of 15-25 µm . how much of this thickness is contributed by enamel
  1. 5-10
  2. 1-5
  3. 10-15
  4. >15

36. Gingival lesions are unusual findings in
  1. Primary herpes
  2. Recurrent apthae
  3. Pyogenic granuloma
  4. Erythema multiforme

37. Causative agent for AIDS was established in
  1. 1969
  2. 1972
  3. 1983
  4. 1994

38. Bony swelling in mandibular swelling 2cm in size painful and susceptible to salicyclate therapy is (nov 2011 aiims)
  1. Osteoma
  2. Osteoid osteoma
  3. Osteochondroma
  4. Osteoblastoma

39. Obstructive apnea is most commonly seen to develop in
  1. B/L TMJ ankylosis
  2. Orbital floor #
  3. Mandibular ameloblastoma

40. Rx of choice in patient presenting with LUDWIG’S ANGINA at emergency
  1. Incision and drainage
  2. Tracheostomy ↓GA
  3. Cricothyrotomy
  4. Tracheostomy ↓LA

41. Drug administration to be stopped in patient prior to patient ↓ GA

42. NOT true about METFORMIN
  1. ↓ cellular oxidation of glucose
  2. ↓ glucose synthesis in liver
  3. Excreted unchaned in urine
  4. Safely administered in decompensated cadiac failure

43. Not true about Piperacillin
  1. Rx for P.aeroginosa
  2. Related to blood dyscrasias
  3. Resistant to β LACTAMASES

44. Brittle bone disease defect lies in ( osteogenesis imperfect )
  1. Procollagen formation
  2. Collagen polymerization
  3. ↑osteoclastic activity
  4. ↑ immature collagen and osteoblastic activity

Defect lies in collagen 1 formation

45. NK CELL acts on viruses because
  1. Expression of MHC I on cell surface receptor
  2. Non Expression of MHC I on cell surface receptor
  3. Expression of MHC II on cell surface receptor
  4. NON Expression of MHC II on cell surface receptor

46. Twinning effect is seen in
  1. Stainless Steel
  2. Ni – Ti
  3. Co- Cr
  4. All of the above

47. Clasp adjustment in a RPD is a property of ( doubt bout dis 1)

48. A Patient with class II modification partial edentulous space with opposing full complement of natural teeth in Mx Arch, occlusion to be given is
  1. Canine guided occlusion
  2. Unilateral balanced occlusion
  3. Bilateral balanced occlusion
  4. Canine guided or unilateral balanced depending on total no.of missing teeth

49. Teeth in CD in patient with Parkinsonism
  1. Anatomic
  2. Non anatomic
  3. Semi anatomic
  4. Sezary
50. Hashimoto’s thyroiditis all are seen except ( doubt bout dis 1)
Orphan annie eyed nuclei

51. 33degree bending of head forward or touching the chin to the sternum while recording PPS is done in order to
  1. Prevent entry of the material into the phaynx
  2. Activation of muscles of soft palate
  3. Activation of muscles of soft palate + post wall of pharynx

52. While recording 2 ⁰ impression using custom tray the tray should be 1st seated in
  1. Ant region
  2. Post region
  3. Ant and post simultaneously depending upon operators choice

53. Most mucostatic impression material is ( doubt bout dis 1)
  1. Pop
  2. ZoE
  3. Impression compound
  4. Alginate

54. Patient experiencing sensitivity immediately after seating of FPD is most commonly due to
  1. Carious abutment
  2. Thin margins
  3. Exposed cementum

55. Highest interfacial surface tension exists between tooth and orthodontic bracket made up of material
  1. Porcelain alumina
  2. Polycarbonate
  3. Stainless steel
  4. Ni Ti

56. Amalgam bonding agents used to bond to amalgam restored teeth is
  2. UDMA
  3. 4- META
  4. Cyanoacrylates

57. Salt of gontrez are used as
Denture adhesives

58. Temp at which tertiary amine activates benzoyl peroxide to split and initiate chemical polymerization is
  1. 25⁰ C
  2. 37⁰C
  3. 50⁰C
  4. 80⁰C

59. Lingually locked Mx 2⁰ CI in an other wise normal occlusion . most propable cause is
Prolong retention of Mx 1⁰ CI

60. Which of the following technique is not used for cleft lip repair ( or cleftlip+ palate repair)
  1. Millard tech
  2. Tenninson randall tech
  3. Langenback tech
  4. De trossreau tech

61. Disease seen to involve both the bone and the intervertebral space of the spinal cord
  1. Multiple myeloma
  2. Tuberculosis
  3. Lymphoma
  4. Metastasis

62. # of porcelain can be prevented by
  1. Group function occlusion
  2. Canine guided occlusion
  3. Preventing balancing side contact
  4. Highly glazed porcelain

63. Submandibular gland is separated from sublingual gland via
Fibres of mylohyoid muscle

64. Anticoagulant added to blood sample at PHC FOR blood glucose estimation
  1. EDTA
  2. Na citrate
  3. K oxalate
  4. K oxalate + NaF

65. RADIOGRAPHIC CONSTRAST can be governed by montitoring
  1. KVp
  2. mA
  3. Time
  4. Fsfd

66. True hinge axis is compulsorly be recorded for
  1. CD
  2. RPD
  3. FPD
  4. Change in vertical dimension

67. DEPTH AT which impacted bone is located is measured by
  1. White line
  2. Amber line
  3. Red line

68. Most common type of H/P seen under microscopy for ameloblastoma
Nests strands cords of epithelium in fibrous connective tissue stroma (follicular variant)

69. Hair on end appearance on a skull xray is seen in

70. White plaque on buccal mucosa with pseudomycelia seen under light microscopy is
  1. Candida albicans
  2. Histoplasma
  3. Sporothrix

71. Linear curve running from anterior to posterior teeth is
  1. Curve of spee
  2. Curve of monsoon
  3. Curve of monsoon
  4. Bonwill curve

72. Topical anesthetic is effective upto depth of ( doubt bout dis 1)
  1. 0.5 – 1 mm
  2. 1- 2 mm
  3. 2- 3 mm
  4. 3- 3.5 mm

73. Sterilization of hand piece is not done by
  1. Dry heat
  2. Auto clave
  3. Ethylene oxide

74. Antiflux material is
  1. Graphite
  2. boric acid

75. Karyotyping is done for
  1. Chromosomal abnormalities
  2. g banding

76. Important fatty acid present in breast milk is
  1. Docosa hexanoic acid (DHA)
  2. Linoleic acid
  3. Palmitic acid

77. Diplopia in a patient with maxillofacial injuries is best assessed by
HESS chart

78. Rx for patent with gingivitis ANUG
Metronidazole+ penicillin

79. Most common site of BCC ( doubt bout dis 1 )
  1. Upper ⅓ face
  2. middle⅓face
  3. side of nose
  4. lower ⅓ face

80. Last resort of anesthesia
  1. Intrapulpal
  2. Intraligamentary
  3. Supraperiosteal
  4. Infilteration

81. Blood supply to free flap is best assessed by
  1. Prick test
  2. Laser Doppler flometry
  3. Oxygen saturation

82. Bilateral mandibular expansion is seen in
  1. Cherubism
  2. Fibrous dysplasia
  3. Pagets disease
  4. CGCG

83. Most common malignant tumor arising in parotid gland
  1. Mucoepidermoid CA
  2. Pleomorphic adenoma
  3. Odontogenic myxoma

84. Yellow bag waste is best managed by
  1. Incineration
  2. Burial
  3. Autoclave

85. Hypodontia is seen in
Ectodermal dysplasia

86. Hypogonadism , failure to thrive , loss of taste , inability to maintain stability . the deficiency is suggestive of
  1. Zn
  2. Cr
  3. Cu
  4. K

87. All the following muscles are supplied by cranial accessory except
  1. Stylophayngeus ( GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL N.)
  2. Saplingopharyngeus
  3. Palatophayngeus
  4. cricopharyngeus

88. Patient is a vertical grower with ↑ lower ant facial height which of the following is seen in maxilla of the patient as compensation for this inc
  1. Rotates ant downwards
  2. Post downwards
  3. Post upwards

89. Stage II tumor in oral cavity ( doubt bout dis 1)
  1. T1N0M0
  2. T2N0M0
  3. T2N1M0
  4. T2N1M1
 *** Tentative answers marked in blue. Authenticity of answers not confirmed. Readers are advised to contribute in comment section.


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